English to Urdu Dictionary

English to Urdu Dictionary

English to Urdu DictionarySearch english to urdu words meaning by typing your word in the search box given below.
English is really the global language and we can say it is the only language that can help you to communicate with others when you live in an English speaking country. English has become the language of world and people all over the world try to learn English language as it has become the the need of time. In Pakistan, there is also a craze of learning English language in urdu and not only young guys and girls but old people also try to learn english as it is necessary language to work in offices and almost all kind of jobs in Pakistan, keeping this in mind, we have worked hard to write database of english to urdu dictionary. It takes about 6 months to complete this database and at last the dictionary is completed and launched. In this dictionary you can find urdu meaning of english words. If a word searched by a user is not available in our database then it will be noted and within next 24 working hours its meaning in urdu will be added by our staff.

Dictionary English to Urdu

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